
How to Start Amazon Kindle Publishing In Nigeria 2025

In today’s post, you’ll learn how to start amazon kindle publishing in Nigeria and how to make money selling your eBooks online.

Many of you may have heard of it or even tried to start, but all with no success. However,  In today’s post, we will be discussing it step by step, the process and everything it entails.

You reading this article made me guess you have a thing for making money online and trust me, I do too!

So don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

Today, however, our focus is going to be on “Amazon Kindle” and I’m sure the name Amazon should ring a bell.

If it doesn’t, Amazon is a B2B company; an online store where people from all over the world buy and sell.

Amazon creates a market where you can sell just about anything. I mean, these people even sell movies online…

Just think of anything… including digital products which bring us back to amazon kindle.

Amazon kindle is a platform created by Amazon for authors, writers, publishers, etc. This platform is a go-to place for aspiring writers, authors and publishers.

If writing is a thing for you, this could just be the extra side income you’ve always wanted to have for making additional passive income online.

And if you want it FAST…

We’ve set-up an online training that walks you through the ENTIRE process…  

This publishing platform makes it easy for writers to publish their books.

You should also know Amazon kindle won’t be COOL if that’s the only thing they’re offering (publishing).


They also have a ready and wide market, with over 3 BILLION people reading their kindle eBook. So, trust me; there is no way you are not going to make money.

This is a TOOL you must have to make money with Amazon KDP

It helps you find hot selling eBooks on Amazon and helps you create a better version for you to make money

Check It Out HERE…

Why Start Amazon Kindle Publishing in Nigeria?

You may be thinking if it’s worth it or not…

Well; it all depends on you though. But I have listed below few of the  reasons you should look into it:

#1: It’s a Passive Income

If not for anything, this is one of the most viable reasons, after publishing your book, you earn royalties for life.

You don’t have to worry about the maintenance fee as it doesn’t require maintenance or side payments.

#2: It’s Totally Free

To register and publish your book on amazon does not cost you a dime, so you don’t have any excuse for not doing it.

It only costs you the time to write your book and publish it and this doesn’t take time at all because it can be outsourced.

#3: Little or No Marketing

With over 3 billion current users on Amazon kindle, your book is already in a wide market, so little or no marketing is required here.

These reasons among others are enough to get you registered with Amazon kindle and start making cool cash already.

How to Start Amazon Kindle Publishing In Nigeria

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s have a look at how you can start the actual business by giving your book an exposure!

Steps to making money on amazon kindle

  1. Select a Niche
  2. Research Your Keyword
  3. Write Your Book
  4. Create A Front and Back Cover
  5. Register on Amazon Kindle
  6. Publish Your eBook
  7. Market Your eBook

That been said, let’s get started, shall we?

Step 1: Select a Niche

This can be the most difficult part of publishing as anything you decide on matters a lot, Amazon accepts up to 50 categories so the market is wide enough.

Selecting a particular niche will help you create an authority in that niche. It will help you stand out and also have a loyal reader base. (That’s if you are creating quality content)

Here’s what you should know though…

You could be thinking you’re a good writer of poems and other cool stories… but that doesn’t mean you’re going to get the kind of sales you’d want.

Instead, you should leverage on what people are looking or searching for already. I mean look for what people are searching for already and create an eBook on it.

One great tool to discover that is Google Trend.

Let’s say for example you’re a stay at home mum, and you have a thing for “Parenting”

What you need to do is head over to Google trend and pop in the word “Parenting” to discover it trends. You should see something like the image below.

kdp parenting trend

A trending topic should be going up or at least not going too way down.

Also interesting about Google trend is that it also shows you the top regions or countries with the highest search and also related topics.

This will help you if you decide to further your marketing, like targeting the specific countries or related topics.

parenting queries

Step 2: Research Your Keyword

After deciding on the niche or topics you will be writing on, the next thing Is to research for keywords in your niche.

This will help you know the topic to write in, what people want to read about and also if there’s a market for the book about to be written

other than that, you can also use the Google search engine for this… just head over to Google and search the topic you want to write about.

In our case parenting…

Enter your topic on the Google search bar and when the result is out scroll to the very button of the search result page where it says “Searches related to your Keyword

You’ll see keyword ideas of what people are already searching about and create a nice eBook on it then publish on Amazon kindle.

parenting google search

Step 3: Write Your Book

amazon kdp ebook writing

Most people cringe when they hear they need to write.  Well, who wouldn’t be if it’s their first time? The truth is we’re not all good writers at first, but the more you write the better you get.

However, even at that, not everybody is willing to go through the stress.

So if you happen to be one of that few people there are still some ways to meet your ends meet and have your eBook created by experts.

We have certain individuals that have words come to them naturally so it’s easy for them to write books for others.

And if you happen to have few bucks to spare, I’m sure you’ll get someone to help you write this book on Fiverr or Upwork.

Step 4: Create Your Front & Back Cover

Creating a front cover is pretty easy; you can use Canva or Snapseed to create quality front covers.

If you don’t want to go through the stress of learning how to make one, you can also hire someone on Fiverr or Upwork to do the job

Better still, you can use the Amazon cover creator software, this isn’t difficult at all. You just need to choose from the beautiful available templates.

How to use amazon kdp cover creator

Step 5: Amazon Kindle Registration

Creating your kindle account isn’t difficult you just need to provide the right information and make sure they are correct because they will be verified.

The first thing to do is to go to kdp.amazon.com

If you have an account with amazon already you can use that login and if you don’t you can simply create a new account.

signing up for amazon Kindle

After signing up…

You will be sent a one-time password (OTP) so that they can confirm you are the one.

After that, you’ll need to  sign in to your Amazon account, upon signing in you will be logged in into your kdp dashboard where you will do the proper account registration

setting up your amazon kindle account

Upon signing in, click on the above link (that says update now) to register but you need to verify it’s you.

For this …

An OTP will be sent to you, so you need to enter it and confirm your account.

I must say, Amazon is very strict with their security they might even place your account on temporal lock if you enter a wrong OTP three times so be careful when entering your OTP

Also, make sure that the number you use to register on amazon is always handy and accessible all the time.

It is pretty easy to register for the account as the things asked of are straightforward, they only need three sets of information so that you will be able to publish.

These includes your name, phone number, address and lots more that is so that they can be sure of your identity.

Getting Paid

They need your account information, where they will automatically send your royalties.

I will advise that you go to Payoneer.com to register an account with them, they’ll give you a US, UK and Europe account number for free.

Amazon makes payment every month that is, all your earnings for the month will be sent to your account at the end of each month.

The last thing is…

Tax information

In Nigeria, we don’t pay tax so there’s no tax information to give, but they will ask for either your passport number or national ID number, so fill it correctly and wait for your account to be verified.

Normally, your account will be verified and approved. If otherwise, you will be shown what’s wrong with your registration so you will know what to correct

Step 6: Publish Your Book

You’ve decided on your niche, chosen a keyword, written your book, your front cover is ready and your Amazon kindle account has been updated.

The next thing is to publish your book, you need to go your amazon kindle account and click on add new kindle ebook

There are 3 stages in publishing an Ebook on Amazon

how to publish your ebook on amazon kindle
  • Ebook Information
  • Uploading the ebook and the cover
  • Pricing the eBook

Stage 1: Ebook Information

This is the area where you enter the title of the book. It is better to choose a very good title (we will talk about this in marketing) and insert keywords that you know people are looking for daily.

This should be keywords that pertain to your book I mean so that when people are searching your book can easily come up.

Everything regarding information about the book will be asked in this section, the people  it is written for, the ages that can read the book, the category it falls in and lots more

This section should be pretty easy, as you already have in mind what you aim to achieve with the book and the market you are targeting.

Stage 2: Uploading Your Ebook and the Cover

Amazon accepts different formats including doc, Docx, ePub and lot more but I will advise you put your book in Docx or doc so that when amazon reformat it, the structure remains the same

You then upload your cover if you have one already.

Amazon accepts only top quality covers, not more than 2mb and you can decide to make use of their front cover generator that generates a cover for your book in minutes.

Another thing in this section is the preview, amazon helps to recheck for error in your book, they have to review it and check if it meets their standard.

If it does, then you get to preview and see the way it will look when your customers are reading it, if you are contented then you save and move on to pricing.

Stage 3: Pricing the Ebook

How you price your ebook will either kill or make the book, unlike hardcopy.

An ebook is not usually priced high only if you only have a loyal audience and you’ve made quite a name for yourself in the industry.

The first thing to do is to go to amazon and check how much people in your category are pricing their books this will help you know how much people in your category are willing to pay to read these books.

Research has shown that books that are priced between $2.99 to $5.99 sell faster especially books sold for $3.99. You can first of all test this price then move higher if you think your book is worth than that.

This is a TOOL you must have to make money with Amazon KDP

It helps you find hot selling eBooks on Amazon and helps you create a better version for you to make money

Check It Out HERE…

Step 7: Market Your Ebook

There is nothing that sells without marketing, even if you write a book on ‘How to live forever’ if you don’t market it, trust me you might not even make a sale.

In fact, successful authors have in a way or the other marketed their books before they could record such high sales.

There are a number of ways to market your amazon kindle ebook like choosing an eye-catching title, creating a fascinating book cover and lots more but we will be talking about three valid ways to get more sales fast on your ebook.

Three ways to market your amazon kindle ebook.

  • Enrol in Amazon kindle select
  • Drive traffic to the book
  • Getting people to review

#1: Enroll in Amazon Kindle select

enroll in amazon kdp select

This is a program created by Amazon for people to subscribe to the amazon kindle.

Upon subscription, they are able to read any book that is enrolled in the amazon kindle select for free and if your book is enrolled and it is read,  be rest assured that you are going to be paid.

Enrolment for the amazon kindle select is free and easy and it is a sure way to sell more books.

#2: Drive Traffic to the Book

You can use Facebook ads to drive traffic to your book so that it can get more exposure and in the process more sales, you don’t necessarily have to use Facebook, it might be your website visitors, your vlog or blog follower.

Or simply use the ad program on Amazon kindle to showcase your book to more people on the platform.

#3: Getting People to review the ebook.

This should be the easiest way; you can easily send your Book’s link to friends and family with verified amazon account to help you review your book.

Research has shown that people tend to buy books with review rather than the ones without review. You can even pay your friends or gift people to help you review your books.

Or better still use the service of a freelancer on Fiverr or Upwork.

This is a TOOL you must have to make money with Amazon KDP

It helps you find hot selling eBooks on Amazon and helps you create a better version for you to make money

Check It Out HERE…


Amazon Kindle isn’t a GET a RICH quick scheme but a business that requires plan like every other business. The hardest part is creating your eBook.

But once you’ve published them, most of your work is done and Amazon handles the rest. You just have to wait for the end of the month to get paid for every sale you’ve made.

However, you do need to work on optimizing your book for more sales by writing reviews and optimizing them for keywords so they can pop up on search engines.

And also work on creating more ebooks because the more the merrier…

We’ve set up a ROBUST COURSE on info marketing which also includes Amazon kindle, we believe it’s going to be of great value to you.

That’s it on how to start amazon kindle publishing in Nigeria, let’s hear your thought on this using the comment section…

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  1. Felix Emmanuel says:

    Thanks this absolutely helps

  2. Thank you David for this guide lines on Amazon Kindle Publishing.

  3. Ahmed Saheed olasunkanmi says:

    Thanks boss david

  4. Thanks. But aside from Payoneer is there any other platform that can be used?

  5. Please I need help, I have been waiting to receive OTP from my Nigeria phone no inorder to validate but it’s not working

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