65 Blog Niches Idea & What To Blog About In Nigeria

So you’ve started your blog and you’re looking for ideas on what to blog about in Nigeria? Trust me, I know that feeling.

Not every day do you feel inspired to write amazing content but having at least what to blog about will still keep you on track.

However, being a new blogger, the majority of your blog post should come around your personal experience, passion, failures, successes and new learning.

Which is one of the reasons you must be passionate about your chosen blog niche in the first place.

When you’re passionate about your blog niche, you won’t have so much hard time coming up with topics you can write about.

So naturally, you should start off with some topics on your own and at the same time doing some keywords research around your blog niche.

65 Blog Niches Idea In Nigeria

Let’s take a look at our specially handpicked blog niches you can choose from and build your own profitable blog around.

  1. Sports blog: focusing on a specific sport ( Could be the less competitive ones)
  2. Pets
  3. Architecture
  4. Holidays & Events
  5. Weddings
  6. Travel
  7. Gadgets
  8. Product Reviews
  9. Photography
  10. Branding
  11. Logo designing
  12. Marketing
  13. Blogging
  14. How to make and save money
  15. Self-improvement
  16. Hobbies
  17. Education
  18. Healthcare
  19. Organization
  20. Faith & religion
  21. Makeup & skincare
  22. Writing
  23. Journaling
  24. Love & relationships
  25. Home Decor
  26. Painting & Fine arts
  27. Comics & cartoons
  28. Illustration & design
  29. Music-related blog: focusing on news, resources, and information for independent artists.
  30. Blog on Astronomy and science education
  31. Industrial Blog on B2B marketing
  32. Niche blogging site for teddy bears and their collectors
  33. Political and historical blog
  34. Nigeria Historical Blog
  35. Blog About the misuse of English quotation marks
  36. Fashion blog
  37. Blog on the environment
  38. Science blog on physics and astrophysics
  39. Cooking and food blog
  40. Blog of photos and videos of “cute” animals
  41. Macintosh and technology blog
  42. Blog on diabetes
  43. Celebrity gossip
  44. Blog on various issues related to sleep
  45. Technology blog
  46. Movie news and reviews
  47. MP3 blog
  48. Blog about all topics related to food
  49. Video gaming blog
  50. Women’s interest blog
  51. Blog on the ideas behind Islamic jihad
  52. Video game blog
  53. Language blog
  54. Law and comic books blog
  55. A Libertarian political blog
  56. A blog covering life hacks
  57. Social networking news based blog
  58. Psychology and neuroscience blog
  59. Technology and current event-related video blog
  60. Home and family blog
  61. News blog
  62. Personal Finance blog
  63. Blog on energy issues
  64. Science blog
  65. Gossip and celebrity news blog

What To Blog About In Nigeria?

Now that we’ve seen the niches ideas what do we write about them? It could be daunting at first, but don’t worry, it’d get better by the day.

You can ask yourself this question while coming up with your personal topics on what to blog about in Nigeria around your chosen niche.

Answers to these questions should give you an idea of what to write about.

Below are the five questions you should constantly ask yourself while coming up with what to blog about in Nigeria:

  1. What excites or stir passion in my readers?
  2. What common challenges do my readers go through?
  3. What are the character traits my readers possesses?
  4. What makes your readers love your niche?
  5. What do your readers hate about your niche?

Once you’ve gotten the question, you can now start dissection what to blog about around the questions you’ve asked yourself.

Try to come up with a catchy headline that will help draw more readers attention to your blog. Even when you have the perfect blog with the most beautiful theme, chances are you’re still going to ran out of ideas.

This is why you should keep asking yourself those questions about the core value of your blog niche. Doing that with a little more keyword research will keep your blog full of content ideas.

However, if you happened to be one those new bloggers that are still fresh and you’re wondering about what to write about, then you need to keep reading.

What To Blog About In Your Chosen Niche?

Below are some of the templates you can use to write content around your niche or the types of content you can create on your blog.

#1: How To Guides

Blog Niches Idea In Nigeria
Blog Niches Idea In Nigeria

People generally hate reading instruction manuals even me. When was the last time you read an instruction manual of an item you just acquire?

If most people don’t read manuals then how do people figure out how to do stuff?

We Google it!

You might be surprised to see the kind of things people are Googling.

If you can find your niche audience, cater to their curiosities, and give them some helpful answers, you can’t help but create a popular blog.

#2: Ultimate guides

People are always seeking out the most credible ultimate guides for their areas of expertise.

The term “ultimate guide,” however, is a bit overused. You can come up with your word and use some alternate terms like the following:

  • Uncensored Guide
  • Essential Guide
  • Complete Guide
  • Last Guide to ____ You’ll Ever Need

Whenever you’re writing an informative guide, try as much as possible to back it up with statistics. Use data from authority sources, and give them credit for the information.

This way, your reader will know your content is legit.

They won’t think you just pull ideas out of thin air. You took the time to conduct research and then formed opinions based on your findings.

#3: Breaking news

You can equally use your blog to discuss breaking news topics around your niche.

Don’t get me wrong though!

I’m not saying you should try to compete with actual news platform like punch.ng but you can still write about recent events.

When it comes to breaking news, timing is everything. Being the first one to break a story isn’t always the best.

Sometimes you’re better off waiting to publish your content until all the facts are straight. You don’t want to get a reputation for posting unreliable information.

Make sure your news story is relevant to your blog niche.

For example, let’s say you run a fashion blog. A breaking news story about technological advancement isn’t related to your brand, so don’t write about it.

I hope you understand?

#4: Niche Product Reviews

Reviewing products and services in your chosen niche is another great way to create content and generate mass traffic to your blog.

Not only are product reviews a trusted resource online that will draw traffic, but they are also a revenue stream for bloggers.

If you want to monetize your blog instantly, this is a smart move going to need to take ASAP!

By linking to product pages through affiliate links like Jumia or konga Affiliates, you can monetize a blog almost entirely on product reviews.

Make sure you go niche since this provides the greatest platform for credibility and expertise.

Here’s an example of a blog post of a product review:

If you, however, decide to review products on a regular basis, establish a flow to such posts so your readers know what to expect.

Start with a product overview, and explain what the product does. Then, you can discuss the specifications and other details. List the price and where it can be purchased.

The review should have some form of a pros and cons list. Reviews should ultimately express your stance on the item. For example, you can explain which people would benefit most from the product.

#5: List Post

Blog Niches Idea In Nigeria
Blog Niches Idea In Nigeria

List posts are articles written with list title. A good example is the one you’re reading right now (65 Blog Niches Idea).

Many readers, as well as writers, fall in love with list articles at first sight and there is a reason for it.

List articles are easy to read and easy to write. They also get clicked and read more often than other articles.

List articles are eye-catching because they organize information; inform you up-front how long the article will be and how many new things you’ll learn.

Here are some ideas on how to create interesting list articles:

  • “7 Ways You Can… While…”
  • “9 Myths About…”
  • “25 Secrets Of…”
  • “10 Reasons Why…”
  • “15 Mindblowing Facts About…”


This post will be regularly updated with new niches and other ideas on what to blog about in Nigeria. You can as well bookmark it to stay updated.

In case you haven’t started your blog, it nothing difficult, you just need to get yourself a domain name and web hosting account to host the website.

Using Bluehost gives you a free domain name and a free SSL certificate.  We recommend going with Bluehost if you haven’t started one already.

What do you think about this blog niches idea in Nigeria? Let me know your thought about this using the comment section.

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One Comment

  1. Grace Gunduma says:

    hi, what I want from you is to enlight me more, be’cos I no go skool finish but I can read,so pls if u can

    tutor me on how open d blogg I will be happy

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