Legit Ways On How To Monetize A Blog In Nigeria (FAST)

Do you have an active blog in Nigeria and looking for ways to monetize it?

Or you plan to start one in Nigeria and don’t have an idea of how you plan to make money from it?

Starting and running a successful traffic generating blog in Nigeria is every blogger’s dream. But that’s just one part of the whole puzzle.

Getting traffic without making money is a HUGE waste.

How can you turn those visitors into MONEY IN THE BANK?

Sorry to tell you this:

But you’re not yet a successful blogger if you aren’t making money from your blog.

It’s a painful realization, I know.

That’s why I had to come up with this post on how anyone (without experience) can monetize a blog in Nigeria. You’ll start making money from your blog…

After reading this post. starting today.

Only and only if you take ACTION and IMPLEMENT on them.

I will take you through the different monetization strategies and give you examples using these proven blog monetization strategies.

Both home (Nigeria) and abroad.

I’m proud to say that – I have used a few of these strategies and still using them on my blogs to this day!

Before we get going – I have seen a lot of questions like:

  • Does blogging really pay in Nigeria?
  • Can I create a free blog and make money from it in Nigeria?
  • What kind of blogs make money in Nigeria?

And many more…

First of all – I quickly address those three before we get into the business of the day.

Does blogging really pay in Nigeria?

Heavy YES!

Blogging does actually pay in Nigeria and other parts of the world. If blogging doesn’t pay well, then I don’t think you will be reading this in the first place. I guess you must have heard a lot of successful blogging stories and want to take blogging seriously.

Blogging PAYS. I’m a living testimony. Period.

Can I create a free blog and make money from it in Nigeria?

First of all, let me clear this off your mind:


You must pay or exchange success with a price.

If making money from blogging is your desired goal, then I won’t advise you to start with a free blog. The recommended way is getting a self-hosted blog by buying your own domain and hosting from a service like Bluehost.

Pretty cheaper and reliable

People won’t take you much seriously if you’re on a free blog. And the worst part?

Google and other search engines favor a self-hosted domain than a free site hosted on blogger or free WordPress.com blog.

What kind of blogs make money in Nigeria?

Great question!

You can make money blogging almost about anything online. It all depends on how you choose to monetize your blog. I always tell those starting out to find a balance between what they’re passionate about and what they’re skilled or good at.

If you a food lover or love cooking – you can set up a food blog and follow some of the monetization tips on this page.

Or maybe you’re a fashion lover/freak, fashion designer, etc. Just set up a fashion blog for a particular set of people.

You get the idea?

As simple as that.

Now, Let’s get started.


3 Legit Ways to Monetize a Blog in Nigeria And Make Money

Here are the methods and ways to monetize a blog in Nigeria:

#1: Monetize Through Affiliate Marketing in Nigeria

Affiliate marketing

Our first blog monetization strategy is affiliate marketing.

You might be familiar with it. But if you’re not – it’s a way you can make money online promoting other people’s products or services to make a commission when a sale or lead is generated.

Most times it’s always a sale.

This is my most recommended way to make money from a blog, especially if you’re starting out or new as a blogger. It’s pretty straightforward and it doesn’t require you creating your own product.

After setting up your blog on your self-hosted WordPress blog, you install a theme and the necessary blogging plugins.

Then you start applying for affiliate programs – related to what your blog is all about.

Then you start writing blog posts surrounding the product in question, tossing in your affiliate links and several CTAs (Call-To-Actions) leading visitors to the products page from your unique affiliate link.

But there is a little problem…

Some people find it a bit difficult to find affiliate deals or products to promote.

Here is how to find them:

  • Direct affiliate programs

A lot of companies and product creators give direct access for anyone to apply and promote their product. You’ll always find links to the application on the bottom of their website.

No third-party involved. Just between you and the company.

They take care of the tracking and payment processing themselves.

If you don’t know any company in your niche, just perform a simple Google search using the below query:

“[niche/product] affiliate program”

For example, if you have a fashion blog. You would do the following search:

“Fashion affiliate program” or something more specific like “Women clothing affiliate program”

Here are the results:

Women clothing affiliate program - Google Search


One easy trick I use in finding products to promote is checking the type of services and products my competitors or bloggers in my niche are promoting.

That’s an indication that those products convert and make them money.

  • Affiliate networks

Let’s just say affiliate networks act as the middlemen between the product vendors or creators and you the affiliate marketer.

You can’t apply to promote a product through the company. You have to go through an affiliate network.

The affiliate network handles the tracking, payments of affiliate commissions and any other thing.

One advantage I’ve really found with affiliate networks is that I will get to see options of several relevant affiliate offer to promote and all being monitored from one place.

One login, one tracking system, one payment processor.

No need for applying and monitoring several affiliate dashboards and stuff.

Even though most of the international affiliate networks don’t accept Nigeria while some require you to have a running blog…

I will highly advise you first get some content on your blog before applying through an affiliate network.

Here are a few of them:

All of the above works in Nigeria.

If you want some more specific programs for Nigerian based/local bloggers, you can check these affiliate programs in Nigeria.


#2: Monetize Through Display Ads Nigeria


Display ads

Another cool way to make money from your blog in Nigeria is through display ads.

In all honesty, this blog monetization strategy requires lots of traffic to make good money from your blog and it is at the same time the most effortless way to make money.

From my research, you’ll need up to 10,000 unique visitors per month to get on the radar of advertisers and also to make something decent through display advertising on your blog.

That takes us to the different types and forms of display ads.

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is simply a program run by its parent company Google through which website publishers or bloggers earn money from their online content as AdSense matches text and display ads to their site based on your content and visitors.

These are ads are created and paid for by advertisers who want to promote their products or services.

More often than not, Nigerian bloggers are fast in applying to Google AdSense immediately after setting up their blogs.

Which isn’t supposed to be.

In fact, I don’t usually recommend people to apply for AdSense as the pays are low.

I think the only people who should consider this blog monetization strategy in Nigeria are those into news or soccer blog.

Because Google collects a BIG chunk of the money from their advertisers and pays you the peanut.

This is actually a good way to start making money from your blog if you’re starting out.

Lots of bloggers still make lots of money from AdSense. But make sure you have consistent traffic and strategically place and optimize your ads…

…for more conversions.

Direct Ads

With this blog monetization method in Nigeria – you won’t be relying on a third-party platform or middle man like AdSense to take a large cut of the money and pay you little.

You’re the chief here. 😊

As you will be the one to negotiate the price and terms on your own.

It’s more lucrative than Google AdSense BUT requires more work in terms of getting the right deal partnerships, targeted traffic and reach.

You just need to negotiate terms directly with advertisers, then place the ads on your blog.

Do make sure that it’s all within your niche.

For example, you can land a nice deal for your fashion blog from a fashion brand whose ads would be placed on your site.


#3: Monetize Through Sponsorships Nigeria

Just as the name implies – sponsored posts are articles you publish on your blog for a brand and you get paid for that.

This is where a company or a business owner pays you to write a post (mostly reviews) about their product or services. Must also be within and relevant to your industry.

You just represent or their product and talk about it to your audience.

I’ve personally been contacted by several brands to help them write a paid review – but I turned down the majority of them as the products never aligned with what that blog was all about.

No matter the pay offered – your audience needs should be your major focus in blogging.

You can also approach related companies on your own to ask about doing paid reviews.  When publishing such reviews make there is disclosure about that.


Other Ways to Monetize Your Blog In Nigeria

The above 3 methods are ways even a day-old blogger can start making money from blogging without any prior experience, skill or going through the stress of building your own products/services.

There are other ways to make money blogging.

I know.

But a lot of these strategies require some sort of skill.

That’s why I had to create this section to list them for you, maybe if you happen to be an expert in a field already.

Let’s go!

#1: Selling Your Products or Services

Let’s say you already have an offline product sell or services you render. Then it’ll be very easy for you to create a content marketing campaign for your existing products and sell them through your blog.

How do I mean?

All you have to do is create a blog around the services you render or products you sell offline.

These blog posts would attract targeted visitors who would buy your products from your blog. How cool would that be?

For example:

If you own laundry service. Then create a blog on doing laundry and giving great tips on laundry to attract visitors who are searching for laundry related posts and tips.

This would be overkill as you’re already into the laundry game!

And further place you as an authority in this mini-niche, advertising your services, gaining customers and making money.

Landry is just an example I gave from my head. This works in any industry.

If you like, you can even go the extra mile to implement other monetization methods.

#2: Selling Your Digital Products

Do you have a knowledgeable skill you wish to transfer to others and get paid for that?

This is where you use the power of content marketing via blogs to drive free and targeted customers to your software, course, eBook, membership, coaching or consultations.

You use your blog posts that are SEO optimized in bringing people to consume your content and sell your digital products from there.

You direct them to a special landing or checkout page from your blog posts to pay for your services or have an in-content checkout embedded into your blog pages.

Another option is hosting your digital products on places like:

If you can’t handle the delivery and all that…

Other Questions on Monetizing a Blog in Nigeria

We hope you enjoyed this helpful guide on ways to monetize your blog in Nigeria. I do have to admit that there are many other strategies to make money.

Which you can always try with your own blog.

The opportunity is limitless!

But before you go – here are some top questions concerning ‘make money via blogging in Nigeria’ I think you might have on your mind.

Which of the above methods should I use in making money from my blog?

In my honest opinion, I would say it depends on where your strengths dwell and what has been working for bloggers in your industry.

We all know that most news blogs and sites monetize through Ads placements.

If you’re a health blogger – affiliate marketing and ads can be combined. In fact, just checkout what others are doing and go with that.

How much money can I make from blogging in Nigeria?

How much you can make from blogging in Nigeria totally depends on the effort you put into your online business.

Just like every other thing – whatever you water grows.

And when it comes to blogging, it depends on how much traffic you get, the monetization method you use and the amount of quality content you publish.

How long would it take before I start making money from my blog in Nigeria?

I can’t tell you how long it will take you before you start making from your blog – as there are a few variables that determine this:

  • Your effort
  • Your experience
  • The competition

It took me about 6 months to make my $1 from my first blog and almost a year to make my first $1k in a very competitive niche.

For my second blog, it took me only 2 months to start making money consistently in a narrowed and less competitive niche.

Hope you get the point?

My advice is that you stay consistent in a particular niche and stick to a planned strategy and remain patient.

Remember this isn’t a ‘get rich quick’ business.

How do I get started?

Getting started with your own WordPress blog is very easy. But it breaks my heart that most of you still find it very difficult getting started the right way with your blogging business in Nigeria.

Please avoid using WordPress.com.

First of all, I will recommend using WordPress.org as it allows you to start making money from your blog without limitations.

You’ll need your unique domain name and a web hosting account to start blogging on WordPress.org.

Normally a domain costs about $14.99 a year and a web hosting about $8.99 per month (paid yearly). Those are lots of money for an average Nigerian.

Well, luckily for you, we landed an exclusive offer from the best hosting service for bloggers.


Basically, you will be getting started blogging in Nigeria for less than $100 yearly. Both domain and hosting covered.

For $3.95/mo.

Go to ==>> https://bluehost.com

To get started now.

After purchasing, you will be ready to install your WordPress and start blogging without complications.

I hope this piece of article helps in giving you the right ideas on monetizing or making money from your blog this year.

It’s 101% possible to make money blogging in Nigeria. What matters is the hard work of consistent learning and action.

Do share this article with others if you like it.

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